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Muhammad Rasoul

Muhammad Rasoul

Chief Executive Offcer

As the CEO of amana, Muhammad Rasoul is a strong supporter of transparency, building financial literacy, and ensuring everyone has both the opportunity and the learning tools to scale the heights of the investment world. And by laying the groundwork for a more transparent approach to multi-asset trading and investing, he is steering amana into the forefront of a more innovative and accessible regional financial industry.

Over the course of his 25-year career, Rasoul has established a global presence as a financial industry innovator and thought leader. His expertise as a growth strategist has been instrumental in the creation, expansion, and successful sale of multiple companies, including Gain Capital, GFT Markets, and B2B liquidity provider, Alpha. He has also advised the CFTC, NFA, ASIC, FCA, and FSA in Japan.

Muhammad lives in Dubai with his wife, Sabina, and their daughter, Amirah. In his spare time, he keeps in touch with Nadia, Alivia, Yaseen, and Aiden, his four elder children, all of whom study and work in their native US. He is also an avid philosophy and history buff and can be found pouring over books about early American history. Last but not least, Muhammad is a fan of football and a long-time supporter of Chelsea Football Club!

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