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Frequently asked questions
What are the fees and charges for trading on MT4/MT5 with amana?
At amana, we prioritize transparency in our fee structure. For MT4/MT5 trading, we only impose overnight fees on leveraged products, with an exception for futures products. In addition, you can benefit from zero commission on standard pricing, though note that commission may apply on raw pricing. For detailed information, please visit our pricing page.
How can I deposit and withdraw funds on MT4/MT5?
Funding and withdrawing from your trading account is hassle-free at amana! We offer a variety of options including Visa, Mastercard, amana Prepaid Card, Apple Pay, Wire Transfer, UAE instant banking, Neteller, Whish Money (Lebanon), Skrill, and even digital currencies. Rest assured, there are no fees on card deposits and withdrawals. Please note that while we aim to process withdrawal transactions within 24 hours, your bank may take up to 10 days to process them.
Is MT4/5 available for traders in the UAE?
Absolutely! For those trading from the UAE, amana offers full access to both MT4 and MT5 platforms. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, these platforms provide advanced tools and features to enhance your trading experience. Ready to dive in? Sign up here and start trading on MT4/MT5 with amana.
How can I start trading on MetaTrader?
Starting your trading journey on MetaTrader with amana is straightforward and user-friendly. First, sign up for an account with amana. Once your account is set up, download the MetaTrader platform (either MT4 or MT5, based on your preference) from our website. Then, log in using your amana credentials. You'll have access to a range of tools and resources to kickstart your trading. Need guidance? Our support team is always ready to assist!
What products are available on MetaTrader?
On MetaTrader platforms with amana, you have access to a diverse range of trading products. This includes major and minor Forex pairs, a variety of CFDs on indices, commodities, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. Whether you're interested in the dynamic forex market, the exciting world of cryptocurrencies, or the stability of commodities and indices, MetaTrader platforms cater to all your trading needs. Explore the vast possibilities and customize your trading experience to suit your strategy and goals.
Connect with us
Reach out toll-free at 800-AMANA-APP, drop us an email at [email protected], or message us directly on: